Spiritual Conversation or Conversation in the Spirit is an Ignatian practice initially developed and used by St. Ignatius of Loyola and the First Jesuit Companions in Venice in 1532 to discern the way that God was calling their nascent society. This discernment process led them to Rome to ask the Pope to authorize the founding of their society, the Society of Jesus, in 1534.

The Conversation in the Spirit model has been recommended for Synodal consultations as part of the Synod on Synodality and was used by the Synod delegates at the first General Assembly in Rome in October 2023.

All Catholic faith communities have been encouraged to learn, practice and share this discernment model of encounter, active listening, shared silence and collaborative discernment of the Spirit as an integral step in promoting wider participation, deeper communion and increased attention on the Gospel mission and the presence of the living Spirit of God present in all those who gather in the name of Christ.

Synod Hall
First Jusuits

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An Introduction to Spiritual Conversation

Spiritual Conversation - Finding common ground in difficult choices. Building a different world. Living a different narrative. Presented by Fr. John Dardis, S.J. from the General Curia of the Society of Jesus in Rome.

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